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Happines And Peace


Happines And Peace

The basic things of life. A very important aspect of living, happiness. Happiness; a state of unmountable joy, the emotion of being happy. A human experience, an just like life, happiness happens. Be happy, I am always happy despite the challenges. With happiness comes this light, grace to move forward. Inner peace; a subtle amount of peaceful feeling within oneself, a calmness within oneself, peace of mind. This attribute leaves you in control of yourself and in control of most of the things that comes for you. This attribute has added to my growth, both industrially and personally. It has left me entirely in charge of my outputs and reactions to things. It is a part of life that needs to be cultivated, nurtured and mastered and I urge you to pay attention to doing this. It makes you a master of your own self, a dictator to what happens and how you choose to react to what happens. Life with happiness and inner peace is a force to reckon with, try this.


The character Urenna Amadi is the first African superhero character coming as a movie in cinemas. She is a superhero with her superpowers in her golden camera which possesses super abilities; super strength, speed, super reflexes, durability, healing factor, night vision, aperture and heightened senses alert, acrobatics, stamina and agility, camera freezing and shooting capabilities.

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